VMP Covergirl - Mary Richter

This week’s VMP Renaissance Covergirl is……Mary Richter!🎉

Mary is the ultimate connector—a woman who thrives on lifting others up, serving on nonprofit boards such as the Magee Women’s Research Institute and the Brave Women Project, and being involved with the Athena Awards, as well as helping people navigate life’s transitions through her private coaching practice.

After retiring from a long career in public accounting, she’s stepping into a new chapter, earning her coaching certification and writing a book about her parents' experiences in WWII Italy.

A fluent Italian speaker with a deep love for meaningful conversations, Mary knows that reinvention doesn’t stop at 50. She’s living proof that life is about embracing what excites you, letting go of expectations, and making every day count.

Her advice? Be authentic. Keep learning. Make it count. 🌟

Here’s what she had to say about this time in her life…

💎 Did you have any older female role models when you were younger?

My paternal grandmother was a strong woman.  Although born in the US in 1911, she grew up in a small village in central Italy. As the oldest of 6 children, she was not allowed to attend school.  Why would a girl need to go to school? She made her cousin teach her how to read and write and she had beautiful penmanship!  She refused to accept limitations that others created.  We control our own destiny.

💎 How did you mark turning 50? How did that feel to you?

Funny, I don't really remember. Just dinner with family.  Age is just a number to me; we should always celebrate every day.

💎 What advice would you give your younger self?

To be yourself and not be so self conscious of what you look like. And also to stop comparing yourself to other people or trying to be someone you are not.

💎 Do you feel like you've changed since you've turned 50? 

The pandemic, more than age, made me focus on what's really important to me.  No botox for me, but I do spend money on good skin care products!  Of course, true beauty comes from within.

💎 What positives have come from being over 50?

Being strong enough to not focus on what others expect.  Learning to enjoy the little things in life to fill us up!

💎 Do you have any goals or projects you're working on? What dreams do you have for the future?

Absolutely!  My passion project is writing a book about my parents' experience in WWII Italy on the front lines of battle as small children.

💎 What is your best advice for other women who are coming up on turning 50? What do you 'know' now?

Make it count!  Be you; you are amazing!  Don't ever stop learning!

💎 What do you most want people to remember about you?

Hopefully, people see me as a connector and advisor, who will always be available to help them navigate their situation.

💎 Why are beautiful photos important to you right now?

Sometimes, seeing yourself through other's eyes makes you appreciate all you've done, gone through, created and aspire to be!

💎 Have you ever been professionally photographed? If yes, how was that experience for you?

Yes, as a bit of an extrovert, I've had photo sessions in the past.  Fun, but Tracy brought it to a whole new level and made me proud to be me!

Congratulations Mary! It’s an honor to help you celebrate YOU and your renaissance! 🎉

If you’re ready to be elevated and celebrated as part of your own midlife renaissance through this 50over50 Project for 2024/2025, you can see more information here: 50over50 Project. Join us!


VMP Covergirl - Joy Klohonatz