VMP Covergirl - Roni Christopher
This week’s VMP Covergirl is……Roni Christopher!🎉
A Pittsburgh native now living in Ohio, Roni is a survivor and a trailblazer who knows how to live unapologetically. After beating leukemia and hitting her 5-year milestone, her lifelong best friend Sunnie (last week’s VMP Covergirl) decided it was the perfect time for them to celebrate together. It was the kind of moment that reminds you to cherish the people who’ve stood by you through it all.
Through grit and grace, Roni has embraced the wisdom that comes with age, finding freedom in knowing who she is and what truly matters. Her story is a powerful reminder to quit what doesn’t serve you and celebrate the moments—and relationships—that truly matter. 🌟
Here’s what she had to say about this time in her life…
💎 Did you have any older female role models when you were younger?
Of course my mom was very influential in my life. She is a fighter and I get that ability to keep going from her. I had several female leaders who helped shape me over the years. One, in particular, gave me a second chance at something that most other people would not have. She was very candid about it, and she said, “you can fix this, but it is on you to do it. I will give you the tools, you have to create the masterpiece.” It was a pivotal moment that taught me the importance of vulnerability. I learned that you can be both vulnerable and have grit at the same time. And that is a beautiful synergy.
💎 How did you mark turning 50? How did that feel to you?
I was recovering from Leukemia when I turned 50. Frankly, I was just so happy to be alive, it felt like turning 25. My wonderful neighbors threw me a small party because I had to be cautious of being around too many people. A few weeks later a dear friend came to visit. I plan to celebrate 60 in A BIG WAY!
💎 What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell myself to not confuse trusting your instincts with authenticity and that you need both to be the best version of yourself.
💎 Do you feel like you've changed since you've turned 50?
This is an interesting question. In my mind's eye, I am still 25 but with so much more wisdom. Even though I feel aged, I have survived a lot which makes me feel younger than my years. It is a strange experience. Regardless of my age, I’ve found that being around people of all ages give you the most perspective. As I got older, recognizing the value of all of those perspectives is more and more valuable.
💎 What positives have come from being over 50?
I value the wisdom that comes with age. It is similar to the saying that you never know how much you can love someone until you have a child - you can never appreciate the wisdom you gain in age until you hit the number. I feel more comfortable in my mind. I know who I am, and more importantly who I am not. I value experiences and time with people. And, I have learned to be more forgiving. That is freeing.
💎 Do you have any goals or projects you're working on? What dreams do you have for the future?
I am working on my next chapter, and what I will do in retirement. My work has been helping to shape a paradigm shift in how people understand their health care. This is part of “making my mess, my message.” As the years get closer to providing more freedom to do things I love, I want to inspire others to be courageous and learn how to be authentic. I hope to do that in my retirement as a side hustle.
💎 What is your best advice for other women who are coming up on turning 50? What do you 'know' now?
My best advice is to not let grass grow under your feet and that quitting something does not mean you failed. Quitting is sometimes the most important decision you can make. There is a difference between being a “quitter” and “quitting”. Knowing the difference is probably one of the most important lessons in life. When you come up on 50, it is time to get real and quit the things that don’t deserve you or your precious time.
💎 What do you most want people to remember about you?
I would love it if the people who remember me reflected on one or two things that I did for them or said to them that reminded them that they were special. Adjectives that I hope people would use: smart, creative, funny, determined, strong, bright. Most importantly, I would want people to say, “I really miss her.”
💎 Why are beautiful photos important to you right now?
I had a neighbor who had colon cancer at the same time that I had leukemia. I could tell that she was not doing well. She had professional pictures done, and we all knew that it was to commemorate her last decent days of life. It struck me. I have wanted them for a while, but Amy’s move to get them done kept me from doing it because she died a few months later. I am now past my 5 year mark. It is a big milestone for me and my health. I want these pictures to celebrate a big, bold life lived and still living.
Congratulations Roni! It’s an honor to help you celebrate this milestone 🎉
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