VMP Covergirl - Jennifer DiLucia

This week’s VMP Covergirl is……Jennifer DiLucia!

I remember when I first met Jen at a Brave Women Project event. She had the cutest purple flower dress on and I commented on it because girl power, amirite? It was only a couple of minutes and I don’t think we even talked about photography or the project but she made an impression.

Then when she contacted me later about the project it was like serendipity. Why YES! Let’s do this!

Jen is such a cheerleader and I love what she’s doing with her podcast, Spill with Me, Jenny D. She not only features guests to talk about fun stuff but also deep topics like trafficking.

For her session we definitely did some solo portraits, but we also brought in her gorgeous mom and daughter Lexi to get in a generations portrait. And since Lexi is on her way to a modeling career in NYC we grabbed some portfolio shots for her as well.

Here’s what she says about this time in her life and being in this special sisterhood of dynamic women over 50:

Did you have any older female role models when you were younger?

I had a few female role models who are amazing, inspiring women! My number one role model growing up was and is my beautiful mom Debra!  She was a young single mom who sacrificed a lot to provide for my brother and I.  She put herself through Nursing School and rose to the top as a Healthcare Executive.  I am amazed by her strength and perseverance! She continues to be a role model and a friend.

Also, I had a sweet loving grandma (Teresa) who my brother and I spent time with every Sunday.  She taught me to open my heart and  home to people.  She would make food for complete strangers to provide kindness and love.  She was the Queen of our Italian familia.

So when I was in High School I watched Oprah Winfrey every day and wanted to be her. I admired everything about her and her talk show.  I actually wrote in my HS yearbook for my future self to be the next Oprah Winfrey.

How did you mark turning 50? How did that feel to you?

Well, turning 50 is when I launched my own business.  I needed to find my purpose and my value so I taught myself how to do a podcast called Spill with Me Jenny D.  I was ready to conquer the world and since I love to talk to people I knew this was my passion.

My husband had a surprise party with my closest friends and family.  I felt so honored and loved.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would say to my  tiny self Jenny D that you need to stand up for yourself and never let anyone treat you like a doormat.  Find the people who love and support you through good times and bad.

Do you feel like you've changed since you've turned 50?

I realized that turning 50 is an amazing milestone that women should embrace and search for their passion.   I'm proud to be where I am today.  My body is changing but my heart is open to trying new things and putting myself out there.

What positives have come from being over 50?

Turning 50 has its advantages for sure.  I've seen a lot of women entrepreneurs start a business or new adventure.  I feel that stay at home moms are now being seen and putting themselves first (my opinion of course).

Do you have any goals or projects you're working on? What dreams do you have for the future?

My goals are to take my podcast to the next level to have an actual talk show with a studio.  I want to help people get through the hardest times and for others to realize there's hope.  If I could help one person than I'm doing my job!

However, my dreams are for my children to find their happiness and passion.  Don't ever sell yourself short.

What is your best advice for other women who are coming up on turning 50? What do you 'know' now.

Make sure to listen to your body and take self care of you.  It's the new 30's!

How would you like people to describe you or see you? What do you most want people to remember about you?

I want people to see me as a loving, giving person. I would love for people to remember me as someone who loves to hug and be a great friend.

Why are beautiful photos important to you right now?

When we see beautiful photos of ourselves it fuels our soul to feel special.  These photos will last a lifetime.  I'm reinventing myself and the photos make me feel more confident and are a symbol of how far I've came to get where I am today!

Have you ever been professionally photographed?

I was photographed for my Podcast and logo photos and I felt great to begin my passion.  However, my 50 over 50 photos are for me to show my vulnerability and to be authentic.

Congratulations Jen!!

You can find more information about the 50over50 Project here. To see Jen’s portrait and the rest of the 50 women in the project at our upcoming Gallery Exhibition on November 10th, go to the event page here.




VMP Covergirl - Susan Hougelman