VMP Covergirl - Dr. Michelle Kaplan

This week’s VMP Covergirl is……Dr. Michelle Kaplan!

Magazine cover with portrait of Dr. Michelle Kaplan taken by Villa Montarti as part of the 50over50 Project.

This woman is a firecracker and so full of zest for life, it’s infectious! Like so many, she came to me through a friend of a friend and as soon as we chatted she instantly resonated with the project and what it was all about. When I asked her if she wanted to book her session she said “F@&^ yeah I wanna do it! Why the hell not?”

One of the things I really love about this project and getting to know these women is their stories. Throughout all of our conversations she made it clear that this session was a celebration and an affirmation of coming out the other side of something difficult, not only surviving, but thriving. Thriving not only in her career as CEO of a Leadership and Professional Development consulting firm, Achievement in Motion, but also as a role model for her two incredible sons, the oldest of which was just about to launch to college at Ohio State University. So we decided to bring them in for part of the session, as well as their pup, Rookie, because Rookie is part of the family too and why the hell not ;)

This is what she had to say about this time in her life:

Did you have any older female role models when you were younger?

I would have to say that my youth group advisor Rhonda and my now deceased Aunt Harreen (who died recently and unexpectedly). I am not sure about the advice they gave me but what I did ascertain was how free they were, they knew themselves and loved who they were. They didn't apologize to others. They were always honest,  transparent and unconditionally loving. It was freeing to be in their presence.

How did you mark turning 50? How did that feel to you?

I never made a big deal on my birthdays. And on my 50th, I went to someone else’s celebration. It was a work event that my ex-husband needed me to go to. I now realize that I didn’t honor myself and do something special for me. It still bothers me and makes me sad. I should have done something great. Hindsight is 20/20. And believe me at 60, I will have a blow out!!!

What advice would you give your younger self?

I have done this exercise many times.  I would say be yourself. No facades. Be confident. Know yourself. Love yourself. Trust yourself. And know that there will probably be only a few people in your life whom you can really rely on. Hug and treasure those people. Take risks and love. Open your heart. One day at a time.

Do you feel like you've changed since you've turned 50?

My life didn't really change when I turned 50. It changed when Aaron, my ex-husband left. Those damn transitions. I was 52 1/2. Blind-sided and heading for a divorce. Raising two kids during covid. I had no family around. My Jewish community who I had honored and cared for as the Rabbi’s wife for 18 years didn’t step in or reach out to me to see how the boys and I were doing. It was a very lonely time.

I kept to myself. We all did. The boys and I spent time with our dear neighbors (family) Lori and Jim, called my sister-in-law and my dear friend Mary who lives in Philadelphia several times a day. Those were the people who helped me through this transition. There were days, weeks and months that I wasn't sure I could make it through.

And now, three years later, I am here. Working hard both personally and professionally. Raising great kids and moving forward. I am more beautiful than I was at 50 or even 40! I am in great shape, fun to be with, open to new things, and laughing more than ever. My work is amazing and I love my life.

I don't put much care about what others think. My priorities are myself, my kids and my work. I stay home, do whatever I want and never feel guilty. I have boundaries and clarity. I feel so blessed!

What positives have come from being over 50?

Confidence in my work and life. Knowing that I am amazing and have so many gifts. People really like me and want to be with me. I recognize the importance of trusting myself and setting boundaries. And not caring what other people think. I don't have to take care of others. This is my life and I am living it! I love my determination and spunk!

Do you have any goals or projects you're working on?

My goals are to 1) continue to stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, 2) make sure that my boys launch into productive and successful adults, whatever that means for them and 3) continue stretching and growing in my work. I look forward to each new day and live in the present.


What is your best advice for other women who are coming up on turning 50? What do you 'know' now.

Trust yourself. Be selfish. Enjoy your children. Take care of your health.

How would you like people to describe you or see you? What do you most want people to remember about you?

That I was a loving, caring and honest person who truly prioritized my kids, my dog, my work and my health.

Why are beautiful photos important to you right now?

Beautiful photos remind me of who I am. Sometimes I forget that when I am feeling crappy, lonely or sad. Those times are hard. Pulling myself up and out. But then I can look at the picture(s) and say, that's me. Yup, I am so beautiful. And I can remember not just the beauty in the picture but the experience and great feelings I had that day.

Congratulations Michelle!

If you’re interested in being elevated and celebrated as part of the 50over50 Project for 2024, you can see more information here: 50over50 Project. There are only 50 spots for 2024 and almost 10 are already taken!


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